Enterpriese Lite Upgrade

Acceptance criteria for upgrading to enterprise lite plan, including initial members count, changing member count, plan access
Feature: As a user, I want to upgrade my plan

Scenario Outline: Access to enterprise lite plan upgrade modal
 Given  I am on <planLabel> plan
 And  the upgrade url contains 'ent-lite' in plan's slug
 Then  I will have access to the upgrade modal

| planLabel |
| Free |
| Pro |
| Team |
| Enterprise |

Scenario: Access to upgrade modal on enterprise lite plan
 Given  I am on enterprise lite plan
 And  I go to upgrade modal
 Then  I will not have access to the upgrade modal

Scenario Outline: Quantity specified in the url
 Given  the quantity specified in the url is <quantity>
 And  the number of members on the current plan is <currentMembersCount>
 And  the default members allowance on the enterprise lite plan is <allowanceOnEntLitePlan>
 Then  the member picker should start at <expectedInitialValue>
 And  I will not be able to decrease the member count below that

| quantity | currentMembersCount | allowanceOnEntLitePlan | expectedInitialValue |
| 3 | 4 | 7 | 7 |
| 10 | 2 | 8 | 10 |
| 13 | 14 | 9 | 14 |
| 2 | 13 | 7 | 13 |
| 234 | 10 | 120 | 234 |

Scenario Outline: No quantity in the url
 Given  the number of members on the current plan is <currentMembersCount>
 And  the default members allowance on the enterprise lite plan is <allowanceOnEntLitePlan>
 Then  the member picker should start at <expectedInitialValue>
 And  I will not be able to decrease the member count below that

| currentMembersCount | allowanceOnEntLitePlan | expectedInitialValue |
| 4 | 7 | 7 |
| 14 | 9 | 14 |

Scenario: Increasing member seats via picker
 Given  I increase the number of seats via the picker
 Then  my member seat count will increase by one
 And  my plan price will update to the new amount

Scenario: Decreasing member seats via picker
 Given  I decrease the number of seats via the picker
 Then  my member seat count will decrease by one
 And  my plan price will update to the new amount

Scenario: force_yearly set to true
 Given  force_yearly is set to true
 Then  I will not see the billing cycle options

Scenario: force_yearly set to false
 Given  force_yearly is set to true
 Then  I will see the billing cycle options