Project CTA

BDD file with acceptance criteria for call to actions shown on a project card, describing each step of the feature.
Feature: As I user I should see different CTAs on the screen cards depending on my permissions and device

Scenario: Primary CTA with edit permissions
 Given  I have edit permissions for the project
 Then  there should be a primary CTA on the card linking me to hotspot editor

Scenario: Primary CTA with read permissions
 Given  I only have read permission for the project
 Then  there should be a primary CTA on the card linking me to prototype viewer

Scenario: Primary CTA on mobile
 Given  I am a mobile user
 Then  there should be a CTA on the card linking me to prototype viewer

Scenario Outline: Secondary CTAs with edit permissions - direct upload
 Given  I have edit permissions for the project
 And  the screen is a direct upload
 Then  there should be <ctaText> CTA
 And  it should link to <url>

| ctaText | url |
| Edit design | /project/5/design/23 |

Scenario Outline: Secondary CTAs with edit permissions - design
 Given  I have edit permissions for the project
 And  the screen is a design
 Then  there should be <ctaText> CTA
 And  it should link to <url>

| ctaText | url |
| Handoff | /dsffreg/screen/23/handoff |
| Edit design | /project/5/design/23 |

Scenario Outline: Secondary CTAs with edit permissions - sketch upload
 Given  I have edit permissions for the project
 And  the screen is a sketch upload
 Then  there should be <ctaText> CTA
 And  it should link to <url>

| ctaText | url |
| Handoff | /dsffreg/screen/23/handoff |

Scenario Outline: Direct upload screens with external id show handoff CTA
 Given  a screen is a direct upload with an external id
 Then  there should be <ctaText> CTA
 And  it should link to <url>

| ctaText | url |
| Handoff | /dsffreg/screen/23/handoff |

Scenario: Secondary CTAs with read permissions - direct upload
 Given  I only have read permissions for the project
 And  the screen is a direct upload
 Then  there should be no secondary CTAs

Scenario Outline: Secondary CTAs with read permissions - design
 Given  I only have read permissions for the project
 And  the screen is a design
 Then  there should be <ctaText> CTA
 And  it should link to <url>

| ctaText | url |
| Handoff | /dsffreg/screen/23/handoff |

Scenario Outline: Secondary CTAs with read permissions - sketch upload
 Given  I only have read permissions for the project
 And  the screen is a sketch upload
 Then  there should be <ctaText> CTA
 And  it should link to <url>

| ctaText | url |
| Handoff | /dsffreg/screen/23/handoff |

Scenario: Secondary CTAs on mobile
 Given  I am on mobile
 Then  secondary CTAs should not be available on the image thumbnail card