Downloading prototype

BDD file with acceptance criteria for downloading a prototype, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to download my prototype project

Scenario Outline: Download page invite only deep link
 Given  I <isCollaborator> a collaborator on the project
 Then  I will see <pageType>

| isCollaborator | pageType |
| am | download page |
| am not | no access page |

Scenario Outline: Prompt download
 Given  I am on prototype download page
 And  I choose the <fileType> download option
 Then  I will see a loading state indicating the file is building

| fileType |
| ZIP |
| PDF |
| Android |

Scenario Outline: Download success
 Given  I am on prototype download page
 And  the <fileType> file build was successful
 Then  I will be able to download the file
 And  I will be able to regenerate it

| fileType |
| ZIP |
| PDF |
| Android |

Scenario Outline: Download fail
 Given  I am on prototype download page
 And  my <fileType> download fails
 Then  I will see an error message explaining there was an issue

| fileType |
| ZIP |
| PDF |
| Android |

Scenario: Android download share
 Given  I am on prototype download page
 And  I choose the Android download option
 When  the file has successfully built
 Then  I will see share download options