BDD file with acceptance criteria for creating a group on the team page, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to create a group
Scenario Outline: Create group page visibiltiy
Given my user role is <userRole>
And I go to create group page
Then I will see the <contentType>
| userRole | contentType |
| OWNER | create group form |
| ADMIN | create group form |
| EDITOR | create group form |
| INTERNAL_REVIEWER | no access message |
| EXTERNAL_REVIEWER | no access message |
| EXTERNAL_EDITOR | no access message |
Scenario: Submitting empty group name
Given I am on create group page
And I try submitting an empty group name
Then I should see an error message
Scenario: Creating a group
Given I am on create group page
And I submit non empty group name
Then the group should be created
And I should be redirected to the manage group page