Inviting to workspace

BDD file with acceptance criteria for inviting users to a workspace, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a Marvel user I want to invite people to company

Scenario Outline: Below members allowance
 Given  I am on <membersAllowance> members allowance
 And  I've used less members than my allowance
 Then  member will be selected by default

| membersAllowance |
| 3 |
| 6 |

Scenario: Opening invite modal from guests tab when guest seats available
 Given  I come to invite modal from guest tab
 And  I still have guest seats available
 Then  the default role will be set to guest

Scenario: Opening invite modal from guests tab when no more guest seats available
 Given  I come to invite modal from guest tab
 And  I don't have any more guest seats available
 Then  the default role will be set to member
 And  the guest option will be disabled

Scenario: Above members allowance, below 6 total
 Given  I have less than 6 members
 And  I used more member seats than I purchased
 Then  member will be selected by default
 And  I will be able to add more member emails

Scenario: 6 members reached
 Given  I have 6 users on my company
 Then  guest will be selected by default
 And  I will not be able to select member
 And  I will be able to add more guest emails

Scenario: More than 6 members reached (legacy, not unlimited)
 Given  I have more than 6 users on my company
 Then  guest will be selected by default
 And  I will not be able to select member
 And  I will be able to add more guest emails

Scenario: Disabled member
 Given  I have hovered over disabled member
 Then  I will see explanation tooltip

Scenario Outline: Adding less guest emails than members allowance
 Given  I am on <membersAllowance> members allowance
 And  I have not reached my allowance
 When  I add fewer guest emails than remaining pre-paid seats allowance
 Then  I will be able to switch to adding members

| membersAllowance |
| 3 |
| 6 |

Scenario Outline: Adding more guest emails than members allowance
 Given  I am on <membersAllowance> members allowance
 When  I add more emails than the member allowance
 Then  I <canSwitchToMember> be able to switch to adding members
 And  I will be able to add more guest emails

| membersAllowance | canSwitchToMember |
| 3 | will |
| 6 | will not |

Scenario Outline: Adding less member emails than prepaid seats count
 Given  I am on <membersAllowance> members allowance
 When  I add fewer member emails than remaining pre-paid seats allowance
 Then  I will be able to add more member emails

| membersAllowance |
| 3 |
| 6 |

Scenario Outline: Adding more member emails than prepaid seats count
 Given  I have purchased <purchasedMembers> member seats
 When  I add more member emails than pre-paid seats
 Then  I <canAddMoreMembers> be able to add more member emails
 And  I <canSeeExtraCostMessage> see a message telling me how much extra I am going to pay

| purchasedMembers | canAddMoreMembers | canSeeExtraCostMessage |
| 3 | will | will |
| 6 | will not | will not |

Scenario Outline: Adding more than 6 member emails
 Given  I am on <membersAllowance> members
 And  I've used <membersUsed> member seats so far
 When  I add <membersToAdd> member emails
 Then  I will not be able to add more member emails

| membersAllowance | membersUsed | membersToAdd |
| 3 | 2 | 4 |
| 6 | 3 | 3 |

Scenario: Adding beyond the allowed limit of guests
 Given  I reach the guests limit when inviting guests
 Then  I will not be able to enter more emails

Scenario: Opening invite modal when both limits reached
 Given  I have reached members and guests limits
 And  I open the invite modal
 Then  I will see a message telling me to contact Marvel

Scenario: Enterprise message
 Given  I have reached one of the limits
 Then  I will be shown a message telling me to upgrade to Enterprise

Scenario: Seats count
 Given  I am on invite modal
 Then  I will see seat counts for members and guests