BDD file with acceptance criteria for editing a group, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to manage group members
Scenario Outline: Manage group page visibiltiy
Given my user role is <userRole>
And I got to manage group page
Then I will see the <contentType>
| userRole | contentType |
| OWNER | manage group page |
| ADMIN | manage group page |
| EDITOR | manage group page |
| INTERNAL_REVIEWER | no access message |
| EXTERNAL_REVIEWER | no access message |
| EXTERNAL_EDITOR | no access message |
Scenario: Updating group name success
Given I update my group name successfully
Then this update will apply to the group
Scenario: Updating group name failure
Given my group name update fails
Then I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue
Scenario: Update a group without a name
Given I submit no name for my group
Then I will see an error message
And the group name will not be updated
Scenario: Searching for users on group manage page
Given I search for a user or users
Then I will see a list of users matching the search term
Scenario: No users match search term
Given I search for a user or users
And nothing matches the search term
Then I will see visual feedback explaining this
Scenario: Add user or users to group success
Given I add a user or users to the group
Then they will be added to the group member list
Scenario: Add user or users to group fails
Given adding a user or users to the group fails
Then I will see visual feedback explaining there was an issue
And they will not be added to the group member list
Scenario Outline: Remove option available
Given I have <usersInGroup> in a group
Then I will have the <removeOption> remove them
| usersInGroup | removeOption |
| the group owner | no option to |
| other group members | the option to |
Scenario: Removing a group member success
Given I remove a group member successfully
Then they will be removed from the group list
Scenario: Removing a group member fails
Given removing a group member fails
Then I will see visual feedback explaining there was an issue
And they will remain in the group list