Inviting to enterprise workspace

BDD file with acceptance criteria for inviting users to an enterprise workspace, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a Marvel Enterprise user I want to invite people to company

Scenario Outline: Landing on invite modal
 Given  I <hasUsedUpMembersAllowance> used up my members allowance
 And  I am on invites modal
 Then  <role> should be selected by default
 And  I should be able to add more emails
 And  I <canSelectMember> be able to select member

| hasUsedUpMembersAllowance | role | canSelectMember |
| have | member | should |
| have not | member | should |

Scenario Outline: Adding guests
 Given  I have not reached my allowance
 When  I add <add> member allowance
 Then  I <canSwichToAddingMembers> be able to switch to adding members
 And  I should be able to add more emails

| add | canSwichToAddingMembers |
| fewer emails than remaining | should |
| as many emails as remaining | should |
| more than remaining | should |

Scenario Outline: Adding members
 Given  I have not reached my members allowance
 When  I add <add> member allowance
 Then  I <canAddMoreEmails> be able to add more emails

| add | canAddMoreEmails |
| fewer emails than remaining | should |
| as many emails as remaining | should |

Scenario: Seats count
 Given  I am on invite modal
 Then  I will not see seat counts for members and guests