BDD file with acceptance criteria for switching members to guests.
Feature: As a Marvel user I want to convert guests to members
Scenario Outline: Switching from guest to a member
Given I am trying to switch a guest to a member
And my member allowance is <allowance>
Then I should see <modal> modal
| allowance | modal |
| unlimited | switch to member |
| has seats remaining | switch to member |
| has run out | request more info |
Scenario Outline: Switching from guest to a paid seat
Given my plan is <plan>
When I try to switch a guest to a member
Then I should see a paid seat badge
| plan |
| Company |
| Team |
| Pro |
Scenario Outline: Switching from guest to a non paid seat
Given my plan is <plan>
When I try to switch a guest to a member
Then I should not see a paid seat badge
| plan |
| Enterprise |
| Free |
Scenario: Requesting more info on team allowance limit message
Given I am seeing the request more info modal
And I click the 'Request more info' button
Then the enterprise form should be submitted to backend with my details
And I should be shown the success screen with confetti