Create Free Roam Test

BDD file with acceptance criteria for creating a user test
Feature: As a team member I want to create a user test

Scenario: User has no company projects
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 And  I have no company prototypes
 Then  I will see an error message that tells me to create a company prototype

Scenario: User test create form
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 Then  I will see a test name box
 And  a prototype input field
 And  test type options for goal and free roam
 And  the default user test type should be free roam

Scenario: Activating test name field
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  I have clicked on the test name input field
 Then  the field will become activated

Scenario: Assigning a test name
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  I have entered a test name under 255 characters
 Then  this name will be assigned to the user test

Scenario: Adding a long user test name
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  I am entering a user test name in the input field
 And  I reach the 255 character limit
 Then  the input field will not allow any more characters to be added

Scenario: Prototype confirmation
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  I have selected a prototype
 Then  I will see the prototype displayed in the form

Scenario: User test completes creation
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  I have a title set and prototype selected
 When  I click create user test
 Then  the user test button will show a loading state
 And  my user test will be created
 And  I will be forwarded to my newly created test
 And  I will see the test name on the top of the page

Scenario: User test fails creation
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  the user test has failed creation
 Then  I will be shown an error notification

Scenario: Create user test without a title
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 And  the project has no name
 When  I click create user test
 Then  the input field will show an error state
 And  I will see an error message that tells me to enter a title

Scenario: Create user test without a project
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 And  I have not selected a prototype
 When  I click create user test
 Then  the select project box will show an error state
 And  I will see an error message that tells me to select a prototype

Scenario: Select a prototype with no screens
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  I have selected a prototype with no screens
 Then  I will see an error message that tells me to select a prototype with at least one screen

Scenario: Prototype list fails to load
 Given  I am on the create user test page
 When  the prototype list fails to load
 Then  I will be shown an error notification