Intro/outro message

BDD file with acceptance criteria for editing the intro and outro messages in a User Test
Feature: As a user I want to edit the intro and outro messages on my User Test

Scenario Outline: Activating <messageType> message
 Given  I am on the invite participants to user test page
 And  I switch on <messageType> messages
 Then  I will be able to add an <messageType> message

| messageType |
| intro |
| outro |

Scenario Outline: Adding <messageType> message
 Given  I add an <messageType> message
 Then  this will apply to my user test

| messageType |
| intro |
| outro |

Scenario Outline: Udpating <messageType> message
 Given  I update the <messageType> message
 Then  this will update in my user test

| messageType |
| intro |
| outro |

Scenario Outline: <messageType> preview
 Given  I go to <messageType> preview
 Then  I will see the <previewType> preview of my message

| messageType | previewType |
| intro | desktop |
| outro | iOS |

Scenario Outline: Turning off <messageType> message
 Given  I turn off the <messageType> message
 Then  this will update in my user test

| messageType |
| intro |
| outro |