BDD file with acceptance criteria for choosing the goal screen that will be used for a goal based user test
Feature: As a team member I want to choose a goal screen for my test
Scenario: Choose goal option
Given I have free roam selected
When I click the goal option
Then the test will change to goal based
And the goal screen picker will appear into view
Scenario: Click goal screen pick button with prototype selected
Given I have selected a prototype
When I click to pick a screen
Then I will be shown a list view of screens in the prototype
Scenario: Activating goal screen search
Given I have clicked the search icon
Then the search bar will become active
Scenario: Entering search term
Given I have clicked the search icon
And I enter a search term
Then I will only see screens containing the characters entered
Scenario: Assigning the goal screen
Given the screens have loaded
When I click to select a screen
Then I will return to the user test create page
And the screen will be assigned as the goal
Scenario: Goal screen confirmation
Given I have assigned a goal to my test
Then this will show in the goal screen pick area
And there will be an option to change the screen
Scenario: Changing the goal screen
Given I have clicked to change the goal screen
Then I will be shown the goal picker
And I can select a new screen
And I will see the updated goal screen
Scenario: Switching to free roam
Given I have a goal screen selected
And I click the free roam option
Then my test will update to free roam
Scenario: Re-selecting goal as an option
Given I have updated to free roam
And I click the goal option
Then the goal screen I have previously selected will be set
Scenario: Click goal screen pick button without prototype selected
Given the goal option is selected
When I have not yet selected a prototype
Then The screen picker shows a prompt
And The screen picker button is not shown
Scenario: Goal screen list fails to load
Given screen list fails to load
Then I will be shown an error notification
Scenario: Goal screen fails assignment
Given the goal screen fails to be selected
Then I will be shown an error notification