Feature: As a user I want to play a user test result
Scenario Outline: Viewing a test result recorded on <device>
Given I am viewing a result that has been recorded on <device>
Then I will see a scaled <device> playback window
| device |
| Website/TV |
| iPhone 8 |
| iPhone 12 |
| iPad |
| Android |
Scenario Outline: Face recording available
Given my result has a <faceRecordingScreen>
Then I will see a <faceRecordingWindow>
| faceRecordingScreen | faceRecordingPreview |
| recordingAvailable | faceRecordingPreview |
| norecordingAvailable | noFaceRecordingPreview |
Scenario: Clicking the play button
Given I am viewing a user test result
And I have clicked the play button
Then the play button will turn into a pause button
And the video will start to play
Scenario: Events playback and face recording playing in sync
Given my test result is playing
Then the events playback and face recording will play in sync
Scenario: Viewing video times
Given I am viewing a user test result in play
Then the elapsed time count will match the amount of time the video has played
And I will see a time count for the full duration of the result
Scenario: Pausing result playback
Given I have clicked the pause button
Then my video will pause
Scenario: Skipping through video
Given I click through the playback bar
Then the events and face recording will jump to this position