Feature: As a user I want to view stats for an individual test result
Scenario: Test result sidebar static view
Given I am viewing my test result
Then I will see a sidebar with a section for stats from the recording
Scenario Outline: Desktop test result stat section static view
Given I am viewing my desktop test result
Then I will see stats listed for <desktop stats>
| desktop stats |
| Duration |
| Goal screen |
| Misclicks |
| Screens visited |
Scenario Outline: iOS test result stat section static view
Given I am viewing my iOS test result
Then I will see stats listed for <iOS stats>
| iOS stats |
| Duration |
| Goal screen |
| Mistaps |
| Screens visited |
Scenario: Viewing the test duration stat
Given I am viewing the stat for test duration
Then I will see a time value
And this time value will match the test duration on the playback bar
Scenario Outline: Viewing the test result for goal screen stat
Given I am viewing the stat for goal screen
And my user test type is <goal screen type>
Then I will see a goal screen stat set to <goal screen stat>
| goal screen type | goal screen stat |
| Has a goal screen | Hit goal confirmation |
| No goal screen | n/a |
Scenario Outline: Viewing the desktop test result for misclicks stat
Given I am viewing the stat for misclicks on a desktop result
And <misclicks> is true
Then I will see a <value> value
| misclicks | value |
| No misclicks | 0 |
| Has misclicks | Percentage |
Scenario Outline: Viewing the iOS test result for mistaps stat
Given I am viewing the stat for mistaps on a iOS result
And <mistaps> is true
Then I will see a <value> value
| mistaps | value |
| Has no mistaps | 0 |
| Has mistaps | Percentage |
Scenario: Viewing the screens visited in a test stat
Given I am viewing the stat for screens visited in a test
Then I will see a number value