BDD file with acceptance criteria for updating a project's name, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to be able to see or edit the name of my project
Scenario: Prototype view page is loading
Given the name is loading
Then I should see a loading state where the name will appear
Scenario Outline: Updating name permission
Given I am on project view page
And I am <role>
Then I <permissionType> be able to update project name
| role | permissionType |
| OWNER | will |
| ADMIN | will |
| EDITOR | will |
| INTERNAL_REVIEWER | will not |
| EXTERNAL_REVIWER | will not |
Scenario: Altering the name
Given I have altered the project name
And I will see the updated name in place of the old one
Scenario: Name change failure
Given there was an issue updating project name
Then I should see visual feedback explaining what happened
And I will stay in edit mode with the old project name
Scenario: Saving empty project name
Given I try to submit an empty project name
Then I will see visual feedback that it is not accepted
And the name will not save
Scenario: Cancel name update
Given I cancel the name update
Then the project name should stay the same