Prototype members list

BDD file with acceptance criteria for the members list on a prototype feature, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to be able to see members on a project

Scenario: Prototype view page is loading
 Given  the members are loading
 Then  I should see a loading state where the members section appears

Scenario: No members
 Given  no members have loaded
 Then  the owner should be shown
 And  a plus button to add members should be availble

Scenario: Up to 10 members
 Given  10 or less members have loaded
 Then  an alphabetically ordered list of up to 10 members should be shown
 And  the plus button should be shown to the left hand side of the list
 And  the project owner should be the first member to the right of the plus button

Scenario: Over 10 members
 Given  over 10 members have loaded
 Then  an alphabetically ordered list of the members should be shown
 And  the count of remaining members button should be shown to the left hand side of the list
 And  the project owner should be the first member to the right of the count of members button

Scenario: Hover over a member icon
 Given  I hover over a member in the list
 Then  I should see a tooltip to the left with the username of that member

Scenario: Add a member
 Given  my user role is <role>
 Then  I should see the plus button to add members
 And  I should be able to click the member list to open the member modal

| role |

Scenario: Cannot add a member
 Given  my user role is <role>
 Then  I should not be able to see the plus button to add members
 And  I should not be able to click the list of members to open the member modal

| role |

Scenario: Members failed to load
 Given  the members list fails to load
 Then  I should see an error state over the list