Upgrade pro plan

BDD file with acceptance criteria for upgrading on the pro plan and updating member seats, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user, I want to upgrade my plan

Scenario: Upgrade pro plan permission free workspace
 Given  I am any user role
 And  my current plan label is free
 Then  I will have access to the upgrade pro plan page

Scenario: Member picker initial value
 Given  I am on a free plan
 And  I am on the upgrade modal
 Then  the number of members in the picker should be set to the number of members on my current plan

Scenario: Quantity in the URL more than currently used seats
 Given  I am on a free plan
 And  I land on an upgrade modal with quantity specified in the URL
 And  the specified quantity is more than currently used seats
 And  the number of members in the picker should be set to the quantity specified in the URL

Scenario: Quantity in the URL less than currently used seats
 Given  I am on a free plan
 And  I land on an upgrade modal with quantity specified in the URL
 And  the specified quantity is less than currently used seats
 And  the number of members in the picker should be set to used seats count

Scenario: Quantity of more than 6 specified in the URL
 Given  I am on a free plan
 And  I land on an upgrade modal with quantity specified in the URL
 And  the specified quantity is higher than 6
 And  the number of members in the picker should be set to 6

Scenario: Increasing member seats via picker
 Given  I increase the number of seats via the picker
 Then  my member seat count will increase
 And  my plan price will update to the new amount

Scenario: Increasing member seats beyond cap
 Given  I have the max allowed number of seats
 Then  increasing seats will be disabled
 And  I should see a message for the enterprise plan

Scenario: Decreasing member seats via picker with no limited member seats
 Given  I decrease the number of seats via the picker
 Then  my member seat count will decrease
 And  my plan price will update to the new amount

Scenario: Decreasing member seats below 1
 Given  I decrease the number of seats to one
 Then  decreasing seats will be disabled