BDD file with acceptance criteria for inviting users to a workspace via projects.
Feature: As a user I want to add a non-company member to an item
Scenario Outline: Successful invite and add
Given I am trying to add users to <itemType>
When I invite some users
And the invite is successful
Then I should go back to <itemType> share modal
And I should see a success message
And the users should get added to the <itemType>
And they should show up when searching for them in collaborators search
| itemType |
| project |
| folder |
| user test |
Scenario Outline: Provided emails belong to users already on a workspace
Given I am trying to add users to a <itemType>
When I invite users that are <reason>
Then I should see an error message telling me they're <reason>
And I should see a form error
And the email addresses should stay in the input field
| itemType | reason |
| project | already on workspace |
| project | not on whitelisted domain |
| folder | already on workspace |
| folder | not on whitelisted domain |
| user test | already on workspace |
| user test | not on whitelisted domain |
Scenario Outline: Failed add to user test
Given I am trying to add users to <itemType>
When I invite users
And adding them to the <itemType> is unsuccessful
Then I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue
And the email addresses should stay in the input field
| itemType |
| project |
| folder |
| user test |
Scenario Outline: Partial fail
Given I am trying to add users to <itemType>
When I invite multiple users
And some of the invites are unsuccessful
Then I should see a form error
And I should see success message for successful users
And I should see error message for failed users
And only the failed emails should remain in the input field
| itemType |
| project |
| folder |
| user test |
Scenario: Successfully added user email notification
When users have successfully been added to an item
Then they should receive an email notification informing them of it