Manage invoices

BDD file with acceptance criteria for viewing, updating and downloading invoices, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user, I want to view invoices

Scenario Outline: Invoice page access on self serve
 Given  I go to the invoice page as a <userRole>
 Then  I <permissionType> access invoices

| userRole | permissionType |
| OWNER | can |
| ADMIN | can not |
| EDITOR | can not |
| EXTERNAL_EDITOR | can not |

Scenario Outline: Invoice page access
 Given  I am on a <plan> plan
 And  I have no previous invoices
 Then  I <permissionType> see invoices

| plan | permissionType |
| COMPANY | will |
| TEAM | will |
| PRO | will |
| FREE | will |
| ENTERPRISE | will not |

Scenario: Invoices on a free plan
 Given  I am on a free plan
 And  I have previously had invoices
 Then  I will still have access to these in the invoices tab

Scenario: Updating invoice information
 Given  I am on the invoice page
 Then  I will be able to update my invoice details

Scenario: Updating invoice information error
 Given  I unsuccessfully update my invoice information
 Then  I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue

Scenario: Downloading invoice
 Given  I am on the invoice page
 Then  I will be able to download my invoices

Scenario: Downloading invoice error
 Given  I unsuccessfully download an invoice
 Then  I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue