Manage member seats

BDD file with acceptance criteria for viewing, updating member seats, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user, I want to update the number of member seats on my plan

Scenario Outline: Member seat picker access on self serve
 Given  I go to the billing page as a <userRole>
 Then  I <permissionType> update the number of member seats

| userRole | permissionType |
| OWNER | can |
| ADMIN | can not |
| EDITOR | can not |
| EXTERNAL_EDITOR | can not |

Scenario: Increasing member seats via picker
 Given  I increase the number of seats via the picker
 Then  I will see an add user or users cta

Scenario: Confirm member increase success
 Given  I confirm the seat increase
 Then  my member seat count will increase
 And  I should see visual feedback explaining this
 And  my plan price will update to the new amount

Scenario: Confirm member increase fails
 Given  I confirm the seat increase
 And  the update fails
 Then  I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue

Scenario: Increasing member seats beyond cap
 Given  I have the capped number of seats
 Then  increasing seats will be disabled
 And  I should see a message for the enterprise plan

Scenario: Decreasing member seats via picker with limited member seats
 Given  I decrease the number of seats via the picker
 And  this number is less than the number of seats on the current plan
 Then  I will see a message explaining some members will be moved to guests
 And  I will see a remove user cta

Scenario: Decreasing member seats via picker with no limited member seats
 Given  I decrease the number of seats via the picker
 And  this number is the same or more than the number of seats on the current plan
 And  I will see a remove user cta

Scenario: Confirm member decrease success
 Given  I confirm the seat decrease
 Then  my member seat count will decrease
 And  I should see visual feedback explaining this
 And  my plan price will update to the new amount

Scenario: Confirm member decrease fails
 Given  I confirm the seat decrease
 And  the update fails
 Then  I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue

Scenario: Decreasing member seats below 1
 Given  I have one seat
 Then  Decreasing seats will be disabled