Viewing the action bar on team archive dashboard

BDD file with acceptance criteria for viewing the action bar on the team archive dashboard, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to view the project action bar on Team Archive projects

Scenario Outline: On the Team Archived projects dashboard
 Given  my user role is <User role>
 Then  I can see the option to select a project

| User role |

Scenario Outline: On the Team Archive projects dashboard
 Given  my user role is <User role>
 Then  I can not see the option to select a project

| User role |

Scenario Outline: Action bar appears
 Given  the project action bar appears into view
 Then  I can see options to <action>
 And  the number of projects I have selected

| Action |
| Unarchive |
| Delete |

Scenario: Selecting a project
 Given  I have selected multiple projects
 And  the action bar is in view
 Then  I should see options to <action>
 And  the number of projects I have selected

| Action |
| Unarchive |
| Delete |

Scenario: Closing the action bar
 Given  I have projects selected
 And  I deselect all projects
 Then  action bar should close