Viewing billing page

BDD file with acceptance criteria for viewing the billing page and updating plan/card details, describing each step of the feature.
Feature: As a user I want my last visited dashboard page to be remembered so that I can quickly come back to it

Scenario: There is no last visited page
 Given  I have no last visited page set
 When  I go to Archive dashboard
 Then  I should be on the 'My team archive' page

Scenario Outline: My last visited page is <page>
 Given  my last visited page is <page> at /archive/<filter>
 When  I go to archive dashboard
 Then  I should be redirected to /archive/<filter>
 And  I should see a project called <projectName>

| page | filter | projectName |
| My team archive | my | my team project |
| Team archive | team | team project |