Opening the comment panel

BDD file with acceptance criteria for opening the siebar panel
Feature: As a user I want to open the comment panel

Scenario Outline: Comment panel button
 Given  I am in the <location>
 Then  I will see a comment panel button

| location |
| editor |
| prototype viewer |

Scenario: Opening the comments panel success
 Given  I click the comment panel button
 When  the comment panel opens
 Then  I should see available comments listed

Scenario: Opening the comments panel fail
 Given  I click the comment panel button
 When  the comment panel fails to open
 Then  I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue

Scenario: Comments fail to load
 Given  the comment panel opens
 And  the comments fail to load
 Then  I should see visual feedback explaining there was an issue

Scenario: Closing comment panel
 Given  the comment panel is open
 And  I click the close button
 Then  the comment panel should disappear from view