Resolving comments

BDD file with acceptance criteria for resolving comments
Feature: As a user I want to resolve comments on a prototype

Scenario Outline: Resolve others comments permissions
 Given  I have opened a comment via the <destination>
 And  I am a <userRole>
 Then  I can resolve comments made by others on my workspace

| destination | userRole |
| dashboard comment notification panel | OWNER |
| project comment notification panel | ADMIN |
| prototype editor | EDITOR |
| prototype viewer | EXTERNAL_EDITOR |

Scenario Outline: Resolve others comments permissions
 Given  I have opened a comment via the <destination>
 And  I am a <userRole>
 Then  I can not resolve comments made by others on my workspace

| destination | userRole |
| dashboard comment notification panel | INTERNAL_REVIEWER |
| project comment notification panel | EXTERNAL_EDITOR |
| prototype editor | EXTERNAL_REVIEWER |
| prototype viewer | ANONYMOUS |

Scenario Outline: Resolve own comments permissions
 Given  I am a <userRole>
 Then  I <permissionType> resolve comments made by myself

| userRole | permissionType |
| OWNER | can |
| ADMIN | can |
| EDITOR | can |
| ANONYMOUS | can not |

Scenario Outline: Leave private comments permissions on another workspace project
 Given  I am any user
 Then  I cannot resolve comments on projects on a workspace other than my own

Scenario: Resolving comment
 Given  I resolve a comment
 Then  the comment will be removed from the unresolved comments list
 And  it will move to the resolved comments list

Scenario: Marking comment as unresolved
 Given  I mark a comment as unresolved
 Then  the comment will be removed from the resolved comments list
 And  it will move to the unresolved comments list