Deleting folders

BDD file with acceptance criteria for deleting folders, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to delete a folder and will see visual feedback that my action has taken place

Scenario Outline: On the folders dashboard
 Given  my user role is <User role>
 Then  I can select a folder
 And  the action bar should appear on select

| User role |

Scenario Outline: On the team folders dashboard
 Given  my user role is <User role>
 Then  I can not select a folder

| User role |

Scenario: Selecting delete option on folders
 Given  I have selected the delete option on one or multiple folders
 Then  a delete form will appear in to view
 And  I will see instructions to enter text into a box
 And  a confirmation button
 And  I will see the title of the selected folders

Scenario: Completing delete
 Given  I am viewing the deletion form
 And  I enter the required text in the entry box
 And  I click the delete confirm button
 Then  the delete request will be made to the backend

Scenario: Deleting folders success
 Given  I confirm to delete my folder
 And  the modal disappears
 Then  the action bar will disappear
 And  the folder will disappear
 And  I will see one success notification for total number of folders deleted

Scenario: Folders deleted
 Given  I have deleted a folder
 Then  the projects will remain active

Scenario: Completing delete form without entering required text
 Given  I do not enter the required text in the entry box
 And  I click the delete confirm button
 Then  a a validation error should show up
 And  the deletion will not be requested on the backend

Scenario: Failed delete
 Given  I'm deleting one or multiple folders
 And  the backend returns a failure
 Then  I will see a single failure notification for all failed deletes
 And  the folders will reappear

Scenario: Deleting multiple folders
 Given  there is an error deleting folders
 Then  I should see an error notification
 And  there should be an option to retry