BDD file with acceptance criteria for viewing a dashboard of folders, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to see a list of folders in the dashboard
Scenario: Folders loading on Folders Dashboard
Given the folders are loading
Then I should see a loading state
Scenario: Folders failed to load
And the folders have failed to load
Then I should see the fail to load empty state
Scenario: No folders found on Team Folders Dashboard
Given there are no Folders
Then I should see an empty state
Scenario Outline: Folders loaded successfully on <page> team page
Given I am on <page> folders page
Then I should see folder with name <folderName>
| page | folderName |
| my | Folder A |
| all | Folder B |
Scenario: Search folders by name
Given I search for a folder with a specific name
Then I should see only folders containing my search term
Scenario: Filter folders by owner
Given I search for a folder by specific user
Then I should see a pop up with company members
When I select a user
Then I should see a visual representation of the filter
And the folders should be filtered by the user
Scenario: Filter folders by non-existing user
Given I search for a folder by non-existing user
Then I should see a pop up letting me know the user is not a company member
Scenario: View folders in a grid
Given I have chosen to view my folders in a grid
Then I should see my folders listed as card blocks
Scenario: Grid View Features
Given I am viewing my folders in grid view
Then each folder should show thumbnail, title and info
Scenario: View folders in a list
Given I have chosen to view my folders in a list
Then I should see my folders listed as list rows
Scenario: List Folder Features
Given I am viewing my folders in list view
Then each folder should show thumbnail, title and info
Scenario Outline: Create folder permissions
Given my user role is <userRole>
Then I <permissionType> create folder
| userRole | permissionType |
| OWNER | can |
| ADMIN | can |
| EDITOR | can |
Scenario Outline: Folder tabs
Given my user role is <userRole>
Then I <permissionType> see team folders
| userRole | permissionType |
| OWNER | can |
| ADMIN | can |
| EDITOR | can |
| EXTERNAL_EDITOR | can not |