Layers panel handoff

BDD for the layers panel in handoff
Feature: As a user I want to be able to see the layers list and elements

Scenario: Viewing layers list with handoff data available
 Given  I am viewing my Prototype in handoff mode and there is handoff data
 Then  I should be able to see all of layers listed
 And  they will be listed in the right hierarchy

Scenario: Viewing layers list without handoff data
 Given  I am viewing my Prototype in handoff mode and there is no handoff data
 Then  I should see a message explaining that in the handoff panel
 And  I should not see the layers list

Scenario: Expand group layer
 Given  I expand a group layer
 Then  I should be able to see all layers belonging to the group

Scenario: Collapse group layer
 Given  I collapse a group layer
 Then  all layers belonging to the group should be hidden

Scenario: Hovering over group or layer
 Given  I hover over a group or layer
 Then  I will see the group or layers bounds highlighted on the screen
 And  the distance between the group/layer and outer container will also be highlighted

Scenario: Select group or layer from panel
 Given  I select a group or layer
 Then  I will see the group or layers bounds highlighted on the screen
 And  the distance between the group/layer and any other element I hover over will also be highlighted
 And  the group or layers information should show in handoff

Scenario: Selecting element from screen
 Given  I select an element on the screen
 Then  the corresponding layer in the layers panel will become highlighted
 And  if it belongs to a group, the group should expand

Scenario: Searching in layers list with matches
 Given  I search for a layer
 And  there are layers that match the search term
 Then  the layers list will filter to show layers matching the name
 And  the filtered result should have the matching query highlighted
 And  any group containing the filtered result (ancestors) should be expanded

Scenario: Searching in layers list with no matches
 Given  I search for a layer
 And  there are no layers that match the search term
 Then  the layers list will show an empty state

Scenario: Clearing search
 Given  I have a query in my search input
 When  I click the clear CTA
 Then  the search input will be cleared
 And  the layers list will show all layers