Layout overlay

Feature: Layout overlay

Scenario: Enable layout in the desgin tool
 When  I enable <layout> in my design tool
 And  I view the project artboard
 Then  I should be able to turn on the <layout> overlay

| layout |
| columns |
| rows |

Scenario: Disable layout in the design tool
 When  I disable <layout> in my design tool
 And  I view the project artboard
 Then  I should not see any option to enable <layout> in the artboard

| layout |
| columns |
| rows |

Scenario: Turn on the columns overlay
 When  I enable columns in my design tool
 And  I view the project
 And  I turn on the columns overlay
 Then  I should see <no of columns> columns
 And  they should start at <actual offset>
 And  they should have a <style> color of <color>
 And  they should have a gutter of <gutter width> between them
 And  they should be <col witdh> pixels wide

| no of columns | offset | gutter on outside | gutter width | col width | style | color | actual offset |
| 12 | 240 | yes | 20 | 60 | fill | bada55 | 250px |
| 12 | 240 | yes | 20 | 60 | stroke | bada55 | 250px |
| 12 | 240 | no | 22 | 60 | stroke | bada55 | 240px |

Scenario: Turn on the rows overlay
 When  I enable rows in my design tool
 And  I view the project
 And  I turn on the rows overlay
 Then  I should see rows starting at the top of the design
 And  each row should have a height of <row height> pixels
 And  each row should be separated by <gutter height> pixels
 And  they should have a <style> color of <color>

| row height as gutter multiple | gutter height | row height | style | color |
| 5 | 12 | 60 | fill | bada55 |
| 5 | 12 | 60 | stroke | bada55 |

Scenario: Turn off the overlay
 When  I enable <layout> in my design tool
 And  I view the project
 And  I turn on the <layout> overlay
 And  I turn off the <layout> overlay
 Then  I should not see the <layout> overlay

| columns |
| rows |