Current projects page

BDD file with acceptance criteria for the last visited projects page.
Feature: As a user I want to see a confirmation of the page and filter I am on

Scenario Outline: My current page
 Given  my current page is <page> at /projects/team/<filter>
 Then  I should see a highlight on <filter>

| page | filter |
| My Projects | my |
| All Projects | all |
| Archive | archived |

Scenario Outline: Updating filter
 Given  I have selected a different filter
 Then  I should see my updated filter highlighted to <filter>

| filter |
| my |
| all |
| archived |

Scenario Outline: Updating page
 Given  I have clicked onto a different page
 Then  I should see my updated page highlighted to <page>

| page |
| My Projects |
| All Projects |
| Archive |