Personal projects dashboard action bar

BDD file with acceptance criteria the action bar on a personal projects dashboard, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to view the project action bar on personal projects

Scenario: On the my projects dashboard
 Given  I am viewing my personal projects
 Then  I should be able to select a project

Scenario Outline: Action bar has appeared into view
 Given  I have selected a single project
 And  the action bar appears into view
 Then  I can see options to <action>
 And  the number of projects I have selected

| Action |
| Copy |
| Archive |
| Delete |

Scenario: Selecting a project
 Given  I have selected multiple projects
 And  the action bar is in view
 Then  I should see options to <action>
 And  the number of projects I have selected

| Action |
| Archive |
| Delete |

Scenario: Closing the action bar
 Given  I have projects selected
 And  I deselect all projects
 Then  action bar should close