Delete projects

BDD file with acceptance criteria for deleting projects, describing each step of the feature and user permissions.
Feature: As a user I want to be able to delete my projects

Scenario Outline: Delete project permission
 Given  I am on project list dashboard
 And  I am <role>
 Then  I will be able to delete my projects

| role |

Scenario Outline: Delete project permission
 Given  I am on project list dashboard
 And  I am <role>
 Then  I will not be able to delete my projects

| role |

Scenario: Delete project confirmation
 Given  I try to remove one or multiple projects
 Then  I will be asked to confirm I am happy to remove them

Scenario: Delete project success
 Given  I remove one or multiple projects successfully
 Then  I will see success message
 And  the projects will no longer show up in project list

Scenario: Delete project failure
 Given  there is an issue removing projects
 Then  I will see an error message